Long Lamp

by December 03, 2020 0 Reviews

 All lamp Rs.- 5999/-

Each lamp Rs.1599/-

Products code - lamp435

Home lightening is a very important consideration, whether you are designing  a new house, moving into a new place or just redecorating.

The most interesting and most important part of the job is to get the look and feel you want. It is important to think about the look of each component in a room and how it relates to the whole concept. Think not only about what a lamp will do,but also what it looks like both when it is turned on, and when it is off. Does it have the right "feel" for you. By their nature, lamps become a focal point when they are turned on. That is why it is so important that they look right in their setting. The same style lamp can be a strong accent, or blend in with the surroundings, depending on it's color and finish. If you give it some thought, you can get the effect you want. Be patient and don't be afraid to experiment.



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